Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Hi Everyone! I'm so excited to announce that I will be going to Israel in 2 weeks with the LABA group. We will be working together with a group of Israeli artists, sharing, studying and creating art together based on text. The group of Israeli and US artists is called: LABALMA. After Israel, I will head to Spain to connect with old friends and the dance and Jewish communities near Madrid and Sevilla.

I will present a short adaptation of "A Way In" in solo form. For right now, I am focusing on using the props to show entanglement/untangling/searching/yearning/finding meaning. I am going to play with our long red felt fabric that is tied in knots as well as the yarn tangled upon a chair. I am also thinking of bringing some fabric that the audience in some way is all connected to like a Maypole but not. Some way to show how we are all connected and how sometimes that brings joy and support while other times it brings suffering/suffocating sensations. The theme is still Pardes, which is the mystical orchard. For me right now, I am thinking about the challenges in finding the way into these places, but the paradox that the search/the yearning/the untangling equals being inside. I sense that it is our search for meaning (through creating art, through study, through our relationships, through our losses, through our joys, through our day to day activities, through "the gutter") that connects us deeper to ourselves to the truths of the universe.

I also will be making connections with some folks in Israel and Spain to lay the foundation for Planetary Dances (the ritual dance of peace created by Anna Halprin 30 years ago) next year. I'll keep you posted!